Google has launched a Twitter archive service which allows you to search tweets in real time as well as on its huge public archive (remember Twitter crossed 10 billionth tweet last month). The search results are displayed as tweets with twitter logo.
To explore the twitter search go to homepage and select “Show options” on the search results page, then select “Updates.” (Twitter Archive Search). The search is similar to the Google search with options to dig through the tweets by timeframe. You can explore results by zooming through a particular time range or date.
In addition to the time chart, it also displays the relative volume of an activity on Twitter about the topic. as you can see there is a spike about GSLV launch after 3 PM today.There is also a short cut link “Now” on the left corner which displays the latest results on the topics searched.The tweets also gets refreshed automatically.
Considering the huge volume of activity (50 million messages per day) on twitter, the archive is going to more and bigger. By providing such feature Google has once again proved it is way ahead of others in search