WordPress Blog Theme Inspired By Google Chrome User Interface

Google Chrome Logo The Google Chrome browser is yet another example for simple and elegant user interface designs from Google. Chrome is very stylish, slim, light weight and intuitive.

Inspired the design of Google Chrome, ericolours.com has released a free WordPress theme that looks like very similar to Chrome user interface.

Free Google Chrome Based WordPress Theme

The theme follow two column layout and has support for widgets, gravators and tested to work on Microsoft Internet explorer 6 & 7, Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers.

If you are thinking to host a dedicated WordPress blog for covering all the news of Google Chrome then this is the perfect theme. You can view live demo the theme here and download it from here.

Recommended Reading

3 thoughts on “WordPress Blog Theme Inspired By Google Chrome User Interface”

  1. I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

  2. it’s funny, the more i use Chrome (for windows), the more unstable it seems to get… crashes a lot more, can’t handle sites with flash, hangs every time i close a tab… all that to say, i’m switching back to Firefox

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