Upgrades To TechDreams – Gravatars, Stylish Comments Section & New Font Styles

Hey guys, it’s been couple of months since we upgraded TechDreams site. Today I spent couple of hours to make TechDreams more beautiful and introduced new features that makes reading articles more fun

New Font Styles For Better Readability

We heard your suggestions and requests and changed the fonts system of the blog. Now the headers are more clear and the content is more readable. Thanks for the feedback given to us through comments and mails. Hope you all like the new fonts and enjoy reading the content.

Revamped Comments Section

The comments section is totally revamped and now it has got a trendy look with Gravatars and author comments lighting feature.


If you are not familiar with Gravatars, basically you get a free account, upload an image and associate with an email address, then when you leave a comment your avatar image will appear.


Gravatars provides a good way for you to create online identity. If you don’t have a Gravatar associated with your email id, create one now and start building your online identity.

Authors Comments Highlighting

Comments posted by authors of TechDreams now stand out in the list and allow you quickly identity our replies.


Anything You’d Like Improved?

Most of the bit and pieces that were looking odd on the site are fixed. But if you find something is missing or should be improved, please do let us know though comments. I’ll go through the list whenever I find time and update the site

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