Follow the right people on the twitter helps you to gather right information otherwise it’s a waste of your valuable time. In order to help you to follow right tech gurus on twitter zdnet has prepared a list of top 10 techies who are worth to follow.
1. Harry McCracken – Editor of Technologizer (
2. Padmasree Warrior– CTO of Cisco Systems
3. Dave Zatz – Writer at Digital Lifestyle (
4. Rafe Needleman – Webware editor (
5. Jason Snell – Editorial Director of Macworld(
6. Charlene Li (
7. Lance Ulanoff – Editor in Chief of PCMag (
8. Jeremiah Owyang – Analyst, Forrester Research(
9. Paul Thurrott – Terrific source for Microsoft products. He is my personal favorite in this list(
10. Rob Enderle – Analyst, Enderle Group (
If you are not active on twitter, you can follow them on their blog/websites listed next to them. What do you think of this list? Did I miss any of your favorites? Let me know through comments