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Links To Download Windows 7 With SP1 ISO Directly From Microsoft Servers

Microsoft lets us evaluate Windows 7 for 30 days without entering product key and with a simple trick you can even extend the evaluation period couple of months. But downloading Windows 7 installers from website is not a trivial task. Most of the links available on the Windows 7 websites leads us to purchase screen and links to download the evaluation installers are buried under fine print text.

In order to help users who like to download Windows 7 with SP1 directly from Microsoft servers we gathered links for your. All the download links of Windows 7 points to Microsoft’s website. Here are the links

Note: None of the above installers have built in keys to activate Windows 7. You have to purchase licenses to get the activation keys. Please don’t ask us to provide activation keys in the comments section.

via techdows

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