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I Received Google Wave Invitation

More than a month long wait for Google Wave invite is over. Today morning I received an invitation mail from Google to access Google Wave. Here is the screen grab of my Google Wave inbox.


At a first glance the UI looks very much similar to GMail, but after spending couple of minutes I understood that Google Wave UI is many times powerful than GMail. As I want to blog about th

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is first, i did not explore Google Wave much :).

How I Got My Google Wave Invitation?

A month ago I applied for Google Wave invitation and today received invitation mail directly from Google. If you want to know how to get Google Wave invites, read the article Two Ways To Get Google Wave Invitation.

Google Wave Invites Give Away From Tech Dreams

I hope my account will be able to invite at least 8 members to try Google Wave. I'm yet to figure out how to invite others.  So please stand by for Google Wave invites from Tech Dreams.

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