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How Google Cafeterias Promote Healthy Food To It’s Employees

One of the best perks for anyone to work with Google is the availability of delicious food, 24 x7 and at absolutely free of cost. Cafeterias at Google are very popular, they serve a wide range of food items to all it’s 30,000+ work force day and night.

Google’s job does not stop with providing the free food, they make sure that they promote healthy food to keep it’s workforce active and fit. One of the techniques used by Google to promote healthier food is to keep them at eye level and fatty stuff a bit away from easy reach. Also they label food items with Green, Yellow and Red colours to indicate eat anytime, once in a while and not often  items respectively.

Marion Nestle recently visited Google headquarters and had a chat with Google’s food program manager have an interesting blog post on how Google cafeterias work

Google labels its snacks, drinks, and the foods prepared in its 25 or so cafeterias with traffic lights: green (eat anytime), yellow (once in a while), or red (not often, please). It bases the decisions about which food goes where on the Harvard School of Public Health’s healthy eating pyramid.


???The only place on the campus where employees pay for food is from a vending machine. The pricing strategy is based on nutrient content, again according to the Harvard pyramid plan.  For the vended products, you pay:

– one cent per gram of sugar

– two cents per gram of fat

– four cents per gram of saturated fat

– one dollar per gram of trans fat

You can continue reading more about it at The Atlantic.

cc image credit: flickr/ralphandjenny

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