The First Annular Solar Eclipse of 2009 on January 26th

The first solar eclipse of 2009 occurs on January 26th 2009. This eclipse is termed as annular eclipse as it forms a ring shape. The annular eclipse will be visible from a wide track that traverses the Indian Ocean and western Indonesia. A partial eclipse will be seen within the much larger path of the Moon’s shadow, which includes the southern third of Africa, Madagascar, Australia except Tasmania, southeast India, Southeast Asia and Indonesia.

Annular solar eclipsePenumbral lunar eclipse

This is the 50th eclipse of Saros 131. The Saros cycle is an eclipse cycle with a period of about 18 years 11 days 8 hours (approximately 6585⅓ days) that can be used to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon. The first annular eclipse of Saros 131 occurred on 1720 Aug 04.  This eclipse will be visible from Bangalore, Calcutta and Chennai in India and many other Southeast Asian countries and will last for almost 1.30 hours.

Apart from this, there would be 4 lunar eclipses and a total solar eclipse in 2009 and the details are given in the table below.

Eclipse Name Date of visibility
Lunar Eclipse Feb 09 2009
Lunar Eclipse July 07 2009
total Solar Eclipse July 22 2009
Lunar Eclipse August 06 2009
Partial Lunar Eclipse December 31 2009

Source : NASA

132 thoughts on “The First Annular Solar Eclipse of 2009 on January 26th”

  1. hi, my is pregnant . i want to know wether there was eclipse in banglore on july 7th and july 22nd .what was the on timings on these days.wether it was partial or ful please tel me.

  2. Hi, I am 6 months pregnant and wanted to know wether there is lunar eclipse in Sydney or not.If yes,can any one please inform me the timings of lunar eclipse on 6th August 2009 in sydney.

  3. I dont know people they really enjoy when Solar eclipse happend instead of worried about they dont know if it never finsihed means that day would be a Judgement day of the world for sure

  4. Please confirm on this, The eclipse will be visible from Bangalore between 2.33 pm and 03:17 pm, Calcutta between 3:01 pm and 03:30 pm and Chennai between 2:29 pm and 3:19 pm. The eclipse will be at its peak between 3.17 pm and 3.30 pm in India.

  5. Hi my wife 7 months pregnant and would like to know the exact time of the eclipse occuring on 22nd July2009 in kuwait timing?

  6. Im 7months pregnant, please tell me the exact timings of the eclipse occuring on 22nd july 2009 and Aug 6th in kuwait timing?
    Thank you

  7. Hi my wife 5 months pregnant and would like to know the exact time of the eclipse occuring on 22nd July2009 in kuwait timing?plase inform what precations we have to take?

  8. Hi I am 2 months pregnant and would like to know the exact time of the eclipse occuring on 22nd July & 6th Aug in Oman time.

  9. im 8 months pregnant and residing in uae. Can you tell me the approximate timings of solar eclipse occuring on 22nd july 2009.

  10. This eclipse would not be visible in India as it occurs during the afternoon hours between 1410 hrs and 1600 Hrs

  11. I would like to know the timings of the lunar eclipse on 7th july 2009 ,22nd july 2009 and 6th of august 2009 in kuwait

  12. I would like to know the timings of the lunar eclipse on 7th july 2009 ,22nd july 2009 and 6th of august 2009 in UAE ASAP

  13. Mohammed Ikraam

    Hi, Can you please tell me the lunar eclipse on 7th and Total Solar Eclipse on 22nd of July visible in United Arab Emirates? And I want to know the exact time of eclipse start and end in UAE. Please reply ASAP.

    Thanks in Advacne.

  14. is the eclipse of 7th july 2009 visible in dubai? what time it will start and end. Do a pregnent women has to take any precautions.

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