Protect Your System From Virus Infected USB Drives Using Free Tool AutorunEater

Image via Wikipedia

It’s very common that most of the virus are spreads thru USB drives or some removable media and became a major threat for our systems and steals sensitive information.These virus are normally spread through infected ‘Autorun.inf’ files which can be present in USB drives or other removable media.
once the user tries to access this infected drive, immediately the virus spreads to the system.This kind of virus are more dangerous and they can survive even the  antivirus scans.

Autorun Eater is a free tool and exactly desinged for this kind of virus.It automatically find all the suspicious Autorun.inf files from all the drives and removes even before the user opens the drives.

How to Make Autorun Launch & Monitor Automatically

This can be done by clicking on the ‘Add Billy To System Startup’ option in the tray menu. You can also prevent it from launching automatically by clicking on ‘Remove Billy From System Startup’.

It runs in background and monitors all drives(except drives A:, B: & CD/DVD drives) in real-time. When a suspicious ‘autorun.inf’ file is detected in any of those drives, a detection window immediately appears to warn and ask you for further action. Plugging an infected removable storage device(eg. pendrive), also activates the detection window.

2 thoughts on “Protect Your System From Virus Infected USB Drives Using Free Tool AutorunEater”

  1. It is nice then to have such kind of tool .
    But If you want to do it by your own then you can easily do it .
    Explore the pendrive with explorer and then delete the autorun file .
    I use this method but the application is specifically made for that

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