Bounty: Who is holding the most FLOW? Build a list of rankings to help us find the address with the most FLOW tokens. Identify any trends or outliers you see in this collection of whales. Bonus points if you can identify the wallet holders.
Flow is designed for Web3 applications that need great user experience, whether NFTs, gaming, Metaverse, or even decentralized finance. Dapper Labs has launched one of the most popular NFT gaming collections ever named CryptoKitties, which choked the Ethereum blockchain. There is no need to A NFT project called Cryptokitties crippled the Ethereum blockchain during the first major public cryptocurrency hype in 2018. Dapper Labs, a Canadian company, built the cryptokitties project and realized the popularity of cryptokitties, so they focused on scaling and improving their blockchain related projects. However, Ethereum did not go so smoothly since their NFT projects were competing for scarce resources with the DeFi dapps. In response, they created a new blockchain called Flow.
Flow is a fast, decentralized, and developer-friendly blockchain designed for high transaction throughput for gaming networks, digital assets, and mobile apps that require millions of transactions. Flow’s blockchain architecture follows a totally different route than Ethereum, with a multi-role architecture built on top of a unique architecture that handles scalability without sharding. That means , we can say Flow blockchain was launched by Dapper Labs in response to Ethereum’s high gas fees and low transaction capabilities. Flow has a unique consensus process. Here we can see from the below diagram .
The purpose of this dashboard is to analyze how $FLOW is distributed among holders and to see what wallets hold the most $FLOW and how it has changed over time. The top 20 Account holders are analysed here, and by providing rankings to the top addresses, we can discuss what kind of actions they are taking in the following sections. In addition, we discussed the top 20 wrapped Flow account holders on the Ethereum blockchain. In this analysis, I started as follows:
- Let’s look at the number of unique users for the past 6 months per day first
- The number of transactions per day on Flow blockchain over the last six months
- Failure rate of transactions over time
- We can also see the total fees collected from users each day
- In the past six months, what has been the average fee per transaction
- Next, we can see the 20 top account holders on Flow Blockchain.
- Take a look at the ‘Top 20 Account Holders – What are they doing?’
- Also, here are the top 20 Wrapped Flow Account Holders on the Ethereum Blockchain
From the below tweet we can see , Mattel (@Mattel) is launching their NFT Marketplace on Flow, starting with the Hot Wheels Collection. May be by this new launch active accounts on Flow naturally followed a similar pattern to transactions as there was a record-breaking number for the number of monthly active $FLOW wallets.
Welcome Hot Wheels (@Hot_Wheels) to Flow Blockchain and the Flowverse 👋
— Flowverse 🌊 – Discover Flow Blockchain (@flowverse_) November 23, 2022
Mattel (@Mattel) is launching their NFT Marketplace on Flow, starting with the Hot Wheels Collection
From WAX to FLOW… here are all the details you need to know 🧵
From the below graphs we can see a active wallets and transaction in Flow blockchain for the past 6 months period. Total Active Users between June 1, 2022 to November 28, 2022 was 14.51M. Maximum Active Users of 605.54K was observed in November 25, 2022 and minimum Active Users of 9.87K was observed in November 13, 2022. Initially we can see a active user participation in the blockchain . Later from the graph we can see it has been reduced . But again, from Nov second week 2022 onwards we can see a continuous growth of active users on the flow blockchain. And also we can see a sudden changes of total Active Users in November 12, 2022 and November 9, 2022 is lower than normal and higher than normal in October 14, 2022 and November 7, 2022.
Comparing the Nov (20-26) 2022 week with the previous week, there is a clear increase in the active wallet percentage. It may have happened as a result of Hot Wheels’ new collection launch during that timeframe.
Flow Blockchain transactions on a daily basis for the past six months are shown in the graph below. A maximum of $2.32M was observed in transactions on November 25, 2022. It might be because of the Mattel is launching their NFT Marketplace on Flow, starting with the Hot Wheels Collection. From June 1, 2022 to November 28, 2022, the total Transactions increased by 9% to $735.13K.
Comparing the Nov (20-26) 2022 week with the previous week, there is a sudden increase in the number of transactions percentage. It may have happened as a result of Hot Wheels’ new collection launch during that timeframe.
Based on the graph below, we can see a trend of increasing failed transactions on Flow. A maximum of 48.55 failed transfers were observed on November 15, 2022, and a minimum of 0.95 failed transfers were observed on September 3, 2022.
As a result of the market volatility, we can see that the fees collected by users on a daily basis have been decreasing for the past 6 months.
We can see from this that the average fee per transaction has been reduced drastically. If we compare the gas fee with Ethereum, we can conclude that Dapper Labs has achieved its goal since Flow’s blockchain finally solves the issue of Ethereum’s high gas fees and low transaction capabilities.
Top 20 Account Holders
In the below graph, we can see a list of the top 20 account holders in Flow blockchain. Based on the top 20 wallets and their total balance across all wallets, we can see that the balance is 412.24M. There were two top wallets that contributed 38.8% of the total balance, and four top wallets that contributed 59.69%. In this example, the lowest total Balance is 2.89M (0x9cb6a8f3d0d6a568) and the highest is 99.82M (0x8f77d48caf93fd93).
In the following picture, we can see what the top 20 account holders are doing on the Flow blockchain. Here is a graph showing the top 20 account holders and their actions on the blockchain over time. According to the below graph, the majority of the top 20 account holders transfer tokens. From all top 20 account holders, we can see a total of 307.58K transactions. There are 3 Actions, but Action Token Transfers is the most significant contributor (98.47%) to the total Transactions. The lowest number of Transactions is 1 (0x51d9a80d3cb94ff7) and the highest number is 76.51K (0x21dc51d454d46f49). Among the total Transactions, the lowest is 3 (Bridge Transactions) and the highest is 302.88K (Token Transfers). 15 Account holders have relatively even Transactions for all Actions with a variation of 0%
There are 3 Actions, but Action Token Transfers is the most significant contributor (98.47%) to the total Transactions. 15 Account holders have relatively even Transactions for all Actions with a variation of 0%
According to the top 20 wrapped Flow account holders, the total Balance is $2.99M. Uniswap: Pool Names contributed 35.43% and Top 2 Names contributed 53.79% to total Balance. The top 2 wrapped account holders accounted for 40.71% of the total balance and the top 3 wrapped account holders accounted for 57.02%. Among the top 20 wallets, the lowest is 12.22K (0x39ad1f0c72cefc97d193ed7501f6edbae30a198d) and the highest is 1.06M (uniswap: pool). In total, the lowest Balance is 12.22K (0x39ad1f0c72cefc97d193ed7501f6edbae30a198d) and the highest Balance is 669.06K (0x7316b2515940a8573e34f45900e82763ad34a34a). The total balance for all Wrapped Account Holders for 18 Names is relatively even with 0% variation.
- Taking a look at the past 6 months data, we see that Active users are on the rise. In particular, we can see a sudden rise in recent active users in November 2022. Assume that it was caused by the launch of a new Hot Wheels collection.
- When comparing the Nov (20-26) 2022 week to the previous week, we can clearly see the huge increase in the active wallet percentage. It may have been caused by the launch of the Hot Wheels collection during that time period.
- Based on this, we can see that the average fee per transaction has been drastically reduced. Based on the gas fee comparison with Ethereum, Dapper Lab’s blockchain finally solves the problem of Ethereum’s high gas fees and low transaction capabilities.
- As we can see from the above analysis, a total of 38.8% of the total balance was contributed by two top wallets, and 59.69% by four top wallets. The highest balance in this example is 99.82M, which came from the wallet “0x8f77d48caf93fd93”.
- A total of 307.58K transactions were recorded among the top 20 account holders. The highest is 302.88K (Token Transfers), which is done through token transfers. This wallet (0x21dc51d454d46f49) performed the most transactions with 76.51K.
- According to the analysis, there are three Actions, but Action Token Transfers contribute the most to the total Transactions (98.47%). There is no variation in Transactions for 15 Account holders across all Actions.
- When we look at the top 20 wrapped flow account holders, Uniswap: Pool Names contributed 35.43%, which is the highest account holder. The amount is 1.06M from uniswap: pool. We can conclude that Uniswap pool has the most Wrapped $FLOW balances of all Ethereum pools.
- Based on the above analysis, the wrapped account holder with the highest balance is 669.06K (0x7316b2515940a8573e34f45900e82763ad34a34a). Wrapped Account Holders’ total balances for 18 Names are relatively even, with 0% variation.
- The analysis also shows that wrapped flow accounts accumulate on the Ethereum chain despite the Flow blockchain.
Reference Query
with flow_daily_price AS (
date_trunc(day, timestamp) as date,
avg(price_usd) as flow_price
FROM flow.core.fact_prices
WHERE token = 'Flow'
and timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE -{{days}}
flow_data as (
to_date(block_timestamp) as date,
count(distinct proposer) as flow_active_wallets,
avg(0.00001 * flow_price) as flow_avg_fee,
sum(0.00001 * flow_price) as flow_total_fee,
count(distinct case when tx_succeeded then tx_id end) as flow_success_txns,
count(distinct case when tx_succeeded = false then tx_id end) as flow_failed_txns,
flow_success_txns + flow_failed_txns as flow_total_txns,
flow_failed_txns / flow_total_txns * 100 as flow_failex_txn_perc
from flow.core.fact_events
INNER JOIN flow.core.fact_transactions using (tx_id)
INNER JOIN flow_daily_price ON date = to_date(block_timestamp)
where block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE -{{days}}
group by 1
select * from flow_data
WITH balances as (
sum(amount) as balance
event_data:to as wallet,
event_data:amount as amount
FROM flow.core.fact_events
WHERE tx_succeeded
AND event_data:to IS NOT NULL
AND event_data:amount IS NOT NULL
AND event_contract = 'A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken'
and event_type = 'TokensDeposited'
event_data:from as wallet,
-1 * event_data:amount as amount
FROM flow.core.fact_events
WHERE tx_succeeded
AND event_data:from IS NOT NULL
AND event_data:amount IS NOT NULL
AND event_contract = 'A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken'
and event_type In ('TokensWithdrawn', 'MoveToken')
WHERE (wallet is not null OR wallet !='null')
GROUP BY wallet
QUALIFY row_number() over (order by balance desc )<=21
SELECT * FROM balances
WHERE wallet is not null or wallet !='null'
ORDER BY balance desc
WITH balances as (
sum(amount) as balance
event_data:to as wallet,
event_data:amount as amount
FROM flow.core.fact_events
WHERE tx_succeeded
AND event_data:to IS NOT NULL
AND event_data:amount IS NOT NULL
AND event_contract = 'A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken'
and event_type = 'TokensDeposited'
event_data:from as wallet,
-1 * event_data:amount as amount
FROM flow.core.fact_events
WHERE tx_succeeded
AND event_data:from IS NOT NULL
AND event_data:amount IS NOT NULL
AND event_contract = 'A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken'
and event_type In ('TokensWithdrawn', 'MoveToken')
WHERE (wallet is not null OR wallet !='null')
GROUP BY wallet
QUALIFY row_number() over (order by balance desc )<=21
top_wallets as (
SELECT * FROM balances
WHERE wallet is not null or wallet !='null'
ORDER BY balance desc
bridge_txns as (
flow_wallet_address as wallet,
'Bride Transaction' as action,
count(tx_id) as txns
FROM flow.core.ez_bridge_transactions
WHERE FLOW_WALLET_ADDRESS IN (SELECT wallet from top_wallets)
GROUP BY wallet
dex_txns as (
TRADER as wallet,
'DEX Swap' as action,
count(tx_id) as txns
FROM flow.core.ez_swaps
WHERE TRADER IN (SELECT wallet from top_wallets)
GROUP BY wallet
token_transfers as (
SENDER as wallet,
'Token Transfers' as action,
count(tx_id) as txns
FROM flow.core.ez_token_transfers
WHERE SENDER IN (SELECT wallet from top_wallets)
GROUP BY wallet
staking as (
DELEGATOR as wallet,
'Staking Actions' as action,
count(tx_id) as txns
FROM flow.core.ez_staking_actions
WHERE DELEGATOR IN (SELECT wallet from top_wallets)
GROUP BY wallet
SELECT * FROM staking
SELECT * FROM token_transfers
SELECT * FROM dex_txns
SELECT * FROM bridge_txns
with balances as (
USER_ADDRESS as wallet,
CURRENT_BAL as balance,
COALESCE(, lbl.address_name, USER_ADDRESS) as name
from ethereum.core.ez_current_balances bal
LEFT JOIN ethereum.core.dim_contracts ctr ON bal.user_address = ctr.address
LEFT JOIN ethereum.core.dim_labels lbl ON lbl.address = bal.user_address
WHERE contract_address = lower('0x5c147e74D63B1D31AA3Fd78Eb229B65161983B2b')
qualify row_number() over(order by current_bal desc) <= 20
SELECT * FROM balances
WHERE wallet is not null or wallet !='null'
ORDER BY balance desc