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Votes Cast By Whale Voters

In this article , we aim to find how many whales have voted in at least one Terra/Anchor/Mirror governance vote in the past 90 days? What percentage of whales have voted?

Whales and Crypto: How They Impact The Market?

In the crypto market, whales are investors who have a lot of power. They have so much money that they are able to change the market. A whale is someone who has the financial power to alter the value of a coin in a huge way. There is no doubt that if you see a drastic and abrupt jump on the chart of your coin, there is a whale or whales together influencing its value.

When a value rises or falls, it is always decided by the whales. Imagine, for instance, that five Bitcoin whales come together one day and decide to all sell their coins at the same time.This would cause a catastrophic price fall, as immediately after selling coins, they would repurchase them. This would result in them buying more at a lower price thanks to the profits they made from selling.It will allow them to become even wealthier than they already are. If they continue on this path, the value of bitcoin will be impacted accordingly.

This chart shows the whale activity on Terra by taking a look at the addresses >$1M USD value. It also shows how many of them voted in at least one Terra/Anchor/Mirror governance vote in the past 90 days and how many of them had voted in Governance.

We can see in the following graph how many whales voted for Terra, Anchor, and Mirror governance out of the total whale voters. Out of the 171 whales, we can see 17 voted for Terra and Anchor, while only 12 voted for Mirror in the past 90 days.

From the chart below, we can see the voted participation of Terra voters out of total Whale voters. Here only 9% of total whale voters were voted in terra governace from the past 90 days .

From the chart below, we can see the voted participation of Anchor voters out of total Whale voters. Here only 9% of total whale voters were voted in anchor governace from the past 90 days .

From the chart below, we can see the voted participation of Mirror voters out of total Whale voters. Here only 6.6% of total whale voters were voted in mirror governace from the past 90 days .

We can conclude from the above analysis that fewer Whales voted in the recent Mirror governance vote than Terra and Anchor.

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