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BendDAO Metrics

In this article, analyze deposits and withdrawals into BendDAO over the past month. Provide metrics such as total ETH volume and unique wallets, and explain any interesting findings


The BendDAO protocol is the first NFT liquidity protocol that is built on the peer-to-pool model. Depositors earn interest by providing ETH liquidity through the lending pool, while NFT holders borrow ETH with NFTs as collateral. Leveraged NFT trading is based on instant NFT-backed loans. The BendDAO protocol supports instant NFT-backed loans, collateral listing, and NFT down payments. With an entirely seamless experience that enables users to make down payments, borrow funds, and list their NFTs, a one-stop liquidity solution is created.

NFT holders who want liquidity but do not want to sell their NFTs can take advantage of lending protocols like BendDAO, but such lending services are also vulnerable to liquidity issues.In essence, the goal is to entice buyers to acquire the NFT collateral with liquidation. 

Benefits of Introducing BendDAO in NFT System

From the below graph we can see the ETH deposited and withdrawn into BendDAO over a time period. As well as we can see the NET ETH also here .

Here from the below graph we can see the number of transactions of ETH deposited and withdrawn for past 1 month into BendDAO. Here we can see more number of ETH Deposited transactions was happened into BendDAO than withdrawn txns for past 1 month.

Between August 7, 2022 and September 7, 2022, 3.52K transactions were deposited. August 21, 2022, recorded the maximum number of deposits of 470, while August 9, 2022, recorded the minimum number of deposits of 8. Between August 7, 2022 and September 7, 2022, 1.19K withdrawals were made. The maximum number of withdrawals was 106 on September 6, 2022, and the minimum number was 12 on August 8, 2022. As compared to normal, the total number of withdrawals in September 6, 2022 was higher than normal

Here we can see the total ETH Volume of Bend DAO as 27.90K (ETH).


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