At last IE Wins Over Firefox – In Saving Laptop Battery Power

IE Undoubtedly Mozilla’s Firefox is the most powerful web browser available today and it’s right on the target of unseating Microsoft’s IE from the dominant position.

Firefox beats IE in almost all the areas – performance, security, user experience, extensibility and many more. But when it comes to saving Laptop’s battery power IE is the winner.

AnandTech, a technology analysis website, has ran a browser face off to test which browser users less battery power and lasts longer on a laptop. The browsers used in the test bed are – Safari (version 4.0.3), Chrome (version, Firefox (version 3.5.2), Internet Explorer (version 8.0.6001.18813), and Opera (versions 9.6.4 and 10 Beta 3).

The test results proved that Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is the clear winner, followed by Firefox with Adblock plus and Google Chrome in second and third positions. Surprisingly Safari stood at the bottom of the list!


That’s some good news for Microsoft IE browser as well as for the users who are looking to keep their laptops ON for longer time on battery power.

Otherwise it’s tough to use IE once we get used to Firefox. Firefox is just awesome. I use Firefox for 80% of my browsing needs and IE + Chrome shares the rest 20%.

Browser Face-Off: Battery Life Explored [AnandTech via Lifehacker]

1 thought on “At last IE Wins Over Firefox – In Saving Laptop Battery Power”

  1. Until a few weeks ago, I used IE exclusively. I’m a creature of habit and just didn’t want to try another browser. I started using Firefox to help with Entrecard dropping and BOY what a difference. I love it.

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