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Preview Chitika Premium Ads On Your Website Quickly

Google AdSense is an excellent option for publishers like us to monetize traffic. As Google AdSense allow only 3 ad units per page, we have good amount of space left empty on the blog. Why not we use this empty space to earn some revenue(make sure that you are not annoying your visitors with too many ads)?

On Tech Dreams today we started experimenting with Chitika Premium Ads to displays advertisements for visitors landing on us through search engines. Chitika Premium Ads are displayed only to US visitors who finds our pages through search engines. Visitors from outside USA does not see these ads anywhere on our site. We being in India, how to preview the Chitika ads on our site?

To preview Chitika ads add #chitikatest at the end of the url. For example to preview the ads on Tech Dreams I use the url

The above url displays default list of ads Chitika displays. But if you want to see preview of ads for a specific keyword you can append it at the end of the url. Here is another example


Do You Know What The Word “Chitika” Means?

What does Chitika mean? When Chitika co-founders, Venkat Kolluri and Alden DoRosario left Lycos in 2003 to start their own company, they sought a name that would suggest the speed with which its customers would be able to put up ads on their Web sites. Chitika, which means “snap of the fingers” in Telugu (a South Indian language), captured this sentiment and Chitika Inc. was born (via)

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