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Apple’s To Live Stream Sep 1st Event Only For iDevices

apple_september_eventBreaking it’s tradition of not to live stream any of its events, Apple is going to stream September 1st event live at website.

According to Apple’s press release, the live streaming can be viewed using Safari web browser on iPhone, iPad, iPod and iMac devices. That’s sarcastic as there is no mention of any Windows, Android and Linux based devices/computes as well as browsers like Firefox, Chrome. Does this mean that the live streaming will not available for non-apple devices? May be not!

Many tech pundits are predicting that Apple is going to unveil a new Apple iTV, video rentals services, and a new range of iPod devices.

The live broadcast will begin at 10 AM PDT on September 1 2010 at (your local timings)

Live Blogging Of The Event

Worry not if the live streaming is not available for you, there are plenty of websites that offer live blogging services. Here are the few sites

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